Experienced Connecticut Lawyer Defends Date Rape Charges
Norwalk Date Rape Defense Attorney
Many people mistakenly believe that date rape allegations are less serious than a rape that involved two strangers. Howe’ver, Connecticut law does not distinguish between date rape and “stranger rape,” and does not provide for lesser charges or penalties simply because the two people involved were dating, friends, or acquaintances. If you are convicted of date rape, you will likely face mandatory time in prison and will have a serious felony conviction on your record.
Even after a prison sentence ends, you will be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. The state sex offender registry is published online, so anyone with an internet connection will be able to view your profile and see personal information such as your name, address, sex offense conviction, place of employment, identifying physical traits, and more. Sex offender registry can destroy your reputation among your family, friends, prospective employers, and community in general.
For this reason, if someone has accused you of date rape, it is imperative that you contact an experienced criminal defense attorney who knows how to handle sex crime cases. Michael R. Corsello has represented numerous clients charged with sex offenses and will provide the highest quality of defense with no judgment regarding the allegations. Do not delay in contacting the Law Offices of Michael R. Corsello, LLC today for assistance with your case.
Date Rape Penalties in Fairfield, CT
Connecticut General Statute (CGS) Sec. 53a-70 defines sexual assault in the first degree as sexual intercourse that is:
- Compelled by the use of force or threat of force;
- With a person under the age of 13 (and the offender is aged 16 or older); and
- With a person who is “mentally incapacitated to the extent that such other person is unable to consent to such sexual intercourse.”
“Mentally incapacitated” includes people who are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs to the point where they are temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling the situation or conduct.
Many date rape allegations fall into the “mentally incapacitated” category of first degree sexual assault. This is because many date rapes occur at parties or after dates in which one or both parties were drinking alcohol. Furthermore, a large amount of date rape cases may involve a victim who was administered the drug Rohypnol without their knowledge. Rohypnol, sometimes known as “roofies” or the “date rape drug,” is a heavy sedative that also causes blackouts, making it difficult for a victim to accurately remember the events that occurred.
The issue of whether someone consented to sex is often at the center of date rape cases. Howe’ver, because many date rape cases involve individuals who were intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, the only evidence of valid consent is usually the accuser’s testimony against the defendant’s. This makes date rape cases even more complicated.
Contact a Fairfield Date Rape Lawyer
No one should ever take date rape accusations or charges lightly. Instead, as soon as you realize you are under suspicion of date rape, you should consult with a highly experienced date rape defense attorney to make sure your rights are protected and that you have a proper defense. If you are facing date rape charges, do not hesitate to contact the Law Offices of Michael R. Corsello, LLC for help today.